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- Online Dating at Match.com. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people find love on Match.com. Match.com pioneered the Internet dating industry, launching in 1995 and today serves millions of singles in 24 countries.Match.com continues to redefine the way single men and single women meet, flirt, date and fall in love, proving time and again that you can make love happen through online dating.
- EHarmony is an online dating site which has regularly had some of the best success.
Photo by Sklathill
With the all-time, top grossing iOS dating app, Zoosk is a market leader in mobile dating. Available in over 80 countries and translated into 25 languages, Zoosk is a global online dating platform. This way you can, for example, find single women between 25 and 30 years old who don’t smoke.
I was recently being interviewed about online dating and we started talking about popular times to date online. I’ve seen statistics time and again that say January and February are the busiest times for online dating. We started talking a little theory behind this and I wanted to share some of those thoughts here.Before I begin though, there really isn’t a best time to try online dating. Whenever you are ready to try dating online, that’s a great time to try and you shouldn’t make your decision to date (or not date) based on someone else’s statistics. That being said, there are times of the year where one factor can really play into your favor: the number of people dating online.
Online Dating Booms in January and February

As I mentioned above, online dating experiences large amounts of growth in the first few months of the year. I think this makes a lot of sense if we take a step back and look at the situation many of us are experiencing during this time of year.
The Aftermath of the Holidays
I list this first because it bothered me the most when I was single: going through the holidays being alone. Whether it is getting the same questions as AGAIN by family members on your dating status or just having to go to the company holiday party solo, for singles the holidays are often one long reminder of our relationship status.
After dealing with these types of holidays, many singles are very sensitive to the fact that another holiday is headed their way: Valentine’s Day. After endlessly answering relationship questions over the previous holidays, it’s no surprise to find many singles motivated to start dating as January begins.
Photo by Paparutzi
New Year’s Resolutions
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When people choose New Year’s resolutions it is almost always something they want to change in their life that may be difficult but not impossible. Online dating has really help open the door for many people to include it as a resolution. That’s not to say that people prior to online dating couldn’t make this resolution, it was just a little more difficult to stick by it.For example, if I made finding a relationship with online dating my resolution it’s easy to set goals for myself: I’m going to contact 5 women every week and by this spring I’m going to have gone on 10 first dates. Making the same kind of resolution prior to online dating required a lot more creativity in meeting people and, while not necessarily a bad thing, could lead many singles to feel frustrated and abandon their resolution a little too quickly.
However, we don’t live in that world any longer and online dating has made finding a relationship a very realistic resolution.
Reminders that Time Moves by Quickly
The new year doesn’t just bring resolutions; it brings reminders that time goes by fast. Watching the New Year roll in with no one special to share it with isn’t fun. Experience that for a few years in a row and suddenly it’s not just loneliness that we experience but also anxiety! We can actually see time going by while a situation we want improved not changing at all.
While I see the New Year bringing these feelings on, it’s not the only time something like this can happen. Birthdays can be rough too. However, we all celebrate those on different days! If everyone celebrated their birthday in June, I suspect the month that fell in would be a big month for online dating as well.
Photo by h.koppdelaney
Horribly Cold Weather
Staying indoors more often or traveling less is a reality if you live somewhere cold (and in the U.S. this year that seems to be most of us!). Even if you are willing to ignore the cold and get out more often, many other people are not.
With online dating, more people are already staying indoors and are naturally going to be drawn to trying to fix their relationship problems with whatever tool is still available.
Photo by Shandchem
It’s a Depressing Time!
It’s no secret that January is a rough month from the perspective of feeling depressed for many people. There’s less sun, often more work and all the “fun” holiday’s are now behind us. Feeling depressed will likely just amplify the bad feels singles have in regards to being alone and often this can drive many people to take that dreaded first-step with dating online.
A Better Way to Improve Your Odds
If someone were to argue that dating online in January would increase your odds of meeting someone, I don’t think I would argue with that. However, I think other things can improve your odds much better. Specifically, commitment to finding a relationship. Simply “sticking with it” will bring far better result than waiting for January to roll around.
It’s easy to make a resolution but much harder to stick with it. I’ll repeat the recommendation I make in my dating guide: regardless of the time of year, make a commitment to yourself that you’re going to try online dating for a certain amount of time and then stick with that. This is how I personally found success.
I originally started dating online in June but it was during the following January that I started to take things seriously. So while I don’t fit perfectly with the statistics, I do have the memories of having the feeling that, “this part of my life needs to change and now is the perfect time”. However, I didn’t meet my wife until 6 months later. Sure, January may have had more people than June but it was sticking with it that brought me success, not the particular month it happened to be.
My thoughts: the statistics and conversation on the “best” time to date online is interesting and well worth consideration but don’t let it be the only thing helping you decide!
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There are over 125 million single men and women in the United States and many of them are looking for a relationship. A big question people have is when is it the best time to go out dating? It turns out that the very best day of the year for online dating is New Years Day!
This reason this is a big deal is because many singles declare their New Year Resolutions and singles say: 'This is the year I find love!'. The first things they do is search for online dating sites and browse through profiles and also post their own profiles up for others to view. Many singles don't realize that just about everyone else does the same thing at the same time! In fact, this is the perfect time of year to find brand new profiles for singles new to the dating game, even if you've already been searching for months or years already.
Happy New Year! The most popular and active time for online dating.
What Specifically Is The Best Time and Day Of The Year For Online Dating?
The best day is typically on the first Sunday after New Year Day as many folks are winding down and kicking off for the first week of the new year. Specifically, Sunday evening between 5PM and 9PM is the peak hours for new sign ups and activity. This year for 2017, Sunday will actually fall on New Years Day itself and Monday January 2nd is a Federal holiday. This means men and women get a free day off for resting, exploring hobbies and browsing dating sites.
Many big dating sites like PlentyOfFish, OkCupid and Match are expecting it to be a very active day. Traffic and membership signup volume is expected to be up to 50% higher than normal. In general, the best time of year for online dating is between the Christmas Holiday up through Valentine's Day. If you are single, Christmas is the time of year when your family gets together and brings up the topic of 'finding the right person' or 'you will get a boyfriend/girlfriend soon enough'. Many people would guess Valentine's Day to be the best day for dating online, but this is actually the happiest day of the year for couples (not for singles)!
Kelly, a member at LetsHangOut.com says 'Singles have time off on the holidays to ponder the idea and come up with their goals for the following year. We talk about going out to the gym, going on vacations and trips, finding a new hobby, we got Super Bowl Week going on. At the same time, these are all perfectly good excuses to go out and meet people.' Online dating sites would logically be the place to seek out these new social partners. On average, it takes 10 weeks for a man to get a date, and 8 weeks for a woman to get a date. The best overall month for dating is in January when New Years resolutions are strongest and big parties and activities are happening, like Super Bowl festivities.
The best time for online dating is the first Sunday of the year, when people are relaxing and looking forward to the new week.
The Best Day of the Week For Online Dating?
If you miss out on New Year dating trend, it turns out that Sunday is actually the best day of every week in the year for online dating. It tends to be the best day of week for a peak in traffic volume and signups for men and women looking to hang out. Again, folks are usually winding down on Sunday and getting ready for the next week, making it the ideal day.
The Best Hour of the Day For Online Dating?
It is interesting to study the trends of various online dating apps. There is a consistent peak hour for online dating on any given day and typically this is around 9PM. The entire range of 8PM to 10PM are the best hours to be online. The second best time of the day is in the morning. These are the times of day when people are checking their messages when they just wake up in the morning or before bed time. Check out the graph below to see activity throughout each hour.
Shows activity by hour on popular dating sites Tinder and OkCupid. Peak hour is 9PM (best hour of day for online dating). Source: Nielsen.com
Picking the Right Dating Site
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The biggest ones are Plenty of Fish, OkCupid, Tinder and Match. Unfortunately, all of these services cost quite a bit of money (sometimes up to $60/mo or more). Some are free, but you have to pay money to get all the site features. For example, Plenty of Fish used to be completely free, but they got new owners recently and this is no longer the case. The high costs are the number one reason why online dating members give up so early in the year. For a completely 100% free online dating site with all the features at no cost, you can sign up with us at LetsHangOut.com or click the button below. Put your credit card away and have a happy, cost-free New Year!