Basic Dating Profile
In this article, I’m going to go step-by-step to creating a basic online dating profile with the goal that you will have a strong dating profile that really reveals to your potential dates who you are. Hopefully this will serve as a good alternative to using other online dating profile examples as the source for your own profile. The aim of Dating Profile Generator is to help you fill that all-important free text field on online dating sites. Give us a feel for the kind of person that you are, and we'll write a description of you in the tone we think you'd take if you bothered to write it yourself.
Step-by-Step Online Dating Profile Creation Guide
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Writing your online dating profile can be a tricky thing. You may want to build yours using other dating profile examples. This is understandable: many of us feel fine discussing ourselves in conversation but put us in front of a computer screen with a few text boxes to fill and we freeze up. This can lead to some of us relying on dating profile examples as the basis for our profile…which doesn’t always work that well.
I believe that writing a profile from the heart is the best option as it will better show who you are. However, I also know that this can be a difficult process. In this article, I’m going to go step-by-step to creating a basic online dating profile with the goal that you will have a strong dating profile that really reveals to your potential dates who you are. Hopefully this will serve as a good alternative to using other online dating profile examples as the source for your own profile.
Before I begin, I was to recap very briefly the rules I lay out in my online dating guide for creating your profile. I go into great detail into each of these areas there so I’ll just recap here:
Email for further inquiries: Writing profiles are hard, of course, so sometimes it’s good to start with a formula. If you had to include three basic elements, write a short paragraph about you, one about who you’re looking for, and one about your ideal date.
Rule | Description |
Avoiding Elimination | Don’t feel that you have to reveal every last detail about yourself. |
Brevity | Your profile should only take a minute or two to read. If your profile contains screens full of text you’ll want to think about slimming it down. |
Avoid Confusing Jokes | Don’t obsess with trying being funny. You’ll have plenty of time to win them over when you’re communicating. Trying to be funny hurts far more profiles than it helps. |
Stay Positive | Being negative in your profile can give people the wrong impression of your personality. Remember: your profile is their first impression of you. |
What You Aren’t Looking For | Don’t list everything you don’t want. Profiles written like drive away contacts. Again, be concerned with the first impression you’re providing. |
Be Honest | Don’t use pictures that are 5 years old, don’t lie about your appearance or height or whatever. You will meet some of these people and their first thought when they meet you if you do this will be that you lied to them. |
This is one great dating profile. It consists a number of thought provoking statements right from the beginning that show a woman’s great personality and sense of humor. It’s eloquently written, it’s concise, straight and to the point! Write a profile description. Some dating apps, such as Tinder, are infamous for favoring the conventionally attractive. But even on my most shallow days, I won’t swipe right on a profile that doesn’t have a description attached. Because it’s a waste of time.
Now that we’ve covered the basics of what you should be keeping in mind as you write, let’s begin looking into a simple way to create your profile.
Step 1: Get Away From Your Computer

The first step is to sit down somewhere quiet and write the ideas I’ll be presenting here down on paper. Trying to create your first dating profile or even trying to get it just right can be an intimidating process. So find a quiet place and grab a pencil and a piece of paper. Also, be prepared to put some time into this. Some people will only spend a few minutes creating their dating profile only to remain dating online for months with a sub-par profile. You should plan on setting aside some time so you can really think your profile through.
Step 2: Thinking About Who You Are and What You Like
Here you’re going to need to think at least 10 words or phrases that describe who you are and some of the things you like. This may be more difficult than it sounds. If you have trouble thinking of things, concentrate on how you’ve spent your time over the last week. What hobbies have you pursued? Have you looked forward to watching particular shows or are you reading any interesting books? If you didn’t have any responsibilities for the next week, how would you spend that time? Take the time to think about these things and write each item down on your piece of paper. You should have at least 10 items here. Don’t stop until you have that many!
As an example, I would write the following items down for myself:
homebody | my dachshund | video games | reading |
church | The Office | blogging | computers |
the Steelers | Counting Crows | | Philosophy |
my job |
Step 3: Fine-Tune Your Personal List
Look at your list. It’s time to identify the areas that will best reflect who you are and remove the ones that aren’t likely to help you find any dates. Review your list and underline any of the areas that you would like to expand on. I’d recommend at least two or three of the items. Be sure to pick the items that you think are most relevant to who you are and items that you can easily speak about. Next, cross out any of the items that you think won’t help your profile much. Don’t exclude anything that makes up the core of who you are even if you think it wouldn’t help your profile! Right now we’re just getting rid of some of the noise that could potentially clutter your profile (remember: brevity!).
From my list above, what I would end up having would look like the following:
homebody | my dachshund | reading | |
church | The Office | blogging | |
the Steelers | Counting Crows | | |
my job |
I’ve eliminated video games and computers because they’re both a part of my life but by no means do I need them to be a part of the life of the person I meet. Additionally, neither of these areas is likely to help me have a connection with the women reading my profile. I also remove philosophy, not because it’s a bad thing but because trying to make yourself sound smart or funny in your profile can be a turn-off and I want to avoid even giving the appearance of this.
I’ve decided that I’ll talk about being a homebody (that I prefer staying in over going out) because it is a very large part of who I am. I’ll also talk about my dog and my participation in my church because of the role they have in my life and then I’ll talk about the Counting Crows for a little extra insight into who I am. I’ll also include some about my job as it will provide me a good opening to my profile.
Step 4: Making Your List Into Dating Profile Text
Now I’ll take each of these areas that I’ve identified and I’ll incorporate them into the beginning of my profile by writing out a rough draft. Here’s what I would end up with:
Basic Dating Profile Bio
Hello! My name is Brad and I’m a software developer in the Pittsburgh area. I work on an application that uses statistics to catch people stealing supplies so it’s a very interesting job. I have a miniature dachshund named Brownie who is a ton of fun. I’m something of a Netflix addict and really enjoy getting comfortable in the evening and watching a movie or catching one of my favorite shows (like The Office or Modern Family!). I’m also very involved at my church and really look forward to getting together with my friends for our small group every week. I am a quiet person and much prefer intimate settings over a loud bar or club…unless I’m going to see something like a Counting Crows concerts (who I’ve seen far more times than is reasonable). Aside from that, I really enjoy reading, blogging, browsing, and watching the Steelers.
In this example, I’ve made an effort to expand on each of the important areas I identified in Step 3. Also, you’ll notice I don’t come out and say “I’m a homebody”. I don’t want to introduce anything into my profile that might be negative but at the same time I really do enjoy a quiet evening on the couch with someone I love over being out. Instead of bluntly stating this, I emphasize this fact as I describe myself throughout this section of my profile.
Step 5: What You Bring to a Relationship
The next section of your profile will be where you “sell” yourself. You don’t want to sound like you’re bragging but you do want to make the case for why you’re worth that first date. Just as before, take some time to think and then write down the things that you’ll bring to a relationship that others would like. This section can be significantly shorter than the first but that’s no excuse to not put in time thinking about this! Identify a few areas of strength about yourself and briefly describe them. Below is my list (including the second step of fine-tuning my choices) and then the next section of my profile is created based on this:

loyal | playful | ||
caring | emotionally solid |

I’m very loyal, especially to my friends and those I care about. I value the idea of having standards and standing by your word, even when doing so becomes inconvenient. I believe that I’m emotionally steady and very little gets me upset or angry. I’m also very caring and as a line from one of my favorite movies says, it’s just as important for me to love as it is for me to be loved.
Step 6: Thinking About Qualities You Want in The Person You Date
Just as was done with personal traits/hobbies, you’re going write a list of the most important thing you would like to find in the people you date. This list doesn’t need to be as long as the previous one but be sure to really think about what is important to you. Again, this list will be fine-tuned by identifying which areas are most important to you and which ones can be left out. Below will be the list of qualities I would like already fine-tuned and following that will be my next paragraph of my profile:
caring | creative | ||
Christian | intelligent |
The woman I’m looking to date is very caring; she is someone her friends and family refer to as “sweet”. She is intelligent and creative and helps me see the world in a new way. Because of my commitment to my faith, she is either a Christian or open to discussions on faith and learning about mine. If this woman sounds like you, feel free to contact me.
Here I eliminated the qualities that I thought might be misunderstood or, if I’m honest, the ones I had trouble deciding how to describe it.
At this point, you would take each of these sections you’ve written out and create the full profile on your dating site of choice. If you wanted to add any additional sections, feel free to. I realize this profile isn’t very long but I actually think the length is fine. I was able to express what’s important to me which is much more important than the length. If your profile is more than double the length of this sample one you may want to consider shortening it some. Also note that I followed all of my online dating guide profile rules. If you add sections be sure not to break any of these.As I mentioned at the beginning of this article I think it is best if you personally write your profile so that it most accurately reflects who you are. My hope is that this process will help those with dating profile writer’s block without taking away from the personal feel of their profile.
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Looking for good online dating profiles to copy? I gotchu, boo, with all the online dating profile inspiration and examples you need.
Here are some great, easy-to-copy dating profile examples & profile photo optimization tips for gents and ladies.
Feel free to mix, match, and edit these dating profile examples as needed to suit your situation.
Dating Profile Example # 1: Three things
An essential rule of thumb when creating your dating profile is to think of yourself as a product.
What are the best keywords to describe what “you” are, and what you’re into? (Ex: An engineer? A creative? An athlete/fitness enthusiast?)
Second, what is the “consumer” getting if they “buy”? (Ex: Your contagious enthusiasm for life? A good listener? Interesting conversation about books? Boozy campfires? Raucous club outings?)
These dating profile examples show that you don’t need to list everything there is to know about you.

Your bio is just an ad, so you want to pique interest, and leave the meaty getting-to-know-you stuff for chats and dates.
List three interesting things about you (interests, hobbies, goals) to make people curious and want to swipe right to find out more.
Astrid, 26
Kava enthusiast. Wannabe climber. Roomba owner.
Jesse, 27
Amateur Lego builder. Terrible cook. Aspiring snowboarder.
Dating Profile Example # 2: “Ask me about…”
Brevity is your friend, friend. A concise one-liner comes across as confident and self assured, like you know what you’re about and have nothing to prove.
Use this short and simple “Ask me about…” template to steer your chat convo toward that one weird interest or fun fact about yourself you’re dying to share.

Taylor, 27
Ask me about my sleight of hand
Jude, 23
Ask me about my cat’s tricks.
Dating Profile Example # 3: Movie quote
Referencing movies or tv shows is a really great way to engage on a dating app. Even though you’re strangers, you’re already connected through this shared social consciousness, so swipers will automatically feel positively towards you.
Heather, 22
I’ll have what she’s having (When Harry Met Sally quote)
Derek, 25
Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. (Ferris Bueller’s Day Off quote)
Dating Profile Example # 4: Greater than/less than
These dating profile examples of the “greater than/less than” template show that you can reveal a lot about your interests and sense of humor without penning a multi-volume autobiography.
Are you always down for a good-natured debate? Rousing convo? This format is a great way to express an unpopular opinion or slightly tease about a topic you know people feel strongly about.
Claudia, 24
Captain America > Thor
Mark, 26
My Sunday roast > your mom’s Sunday roast
Dating Profile Example # 5: Quirky Interest
Got an unusual interest or passion? Your dating profile is the perfect place to reveal this little-known fact.
Sure, maybe not everyone will love that you keep track of your Minecraft progress in a spreadsheet or secretly take salsa lessons, but the people who do respond are already really going to be picking up what you’re putting down.
There’s no sense in hiding your quirkiness or nerdom. You may as well focus on attracting those who will jive with you than going for worldwide mass appeal.
Ferrin, 25
My labelmaker is the single best purchase of my 20s so far.
Rory, 29
I may or may not use the Dewey Decimal System for my home library.
Even the best bio won’t make up for unattractive pics 😕
If your pics don’t look good, your dating profile doesn’t stand a chance at getting much notice, unfortunately.
How To Do A Good Dating Profile
Pro tip: Before you start swiping, run your dating profile pics through Photofeeler to see how women or men are responding to them.
Basic Dating Profile Examples
Choosing your profile pics this way has been shown to significantly increase match rates and match quality.