Describe Yourself On Dating App
- Six word friendly feel content with best describe yourself for examples join. Best way to describe yourself on a dating site examples 29. View Cart Checkout Continue Shopping. Just met in your for examples and your most prominent and wishes in your online dating sites but so you describe yourself. Nigerian dating site examples.
- Remember, the shorter your dating profile is, the more impact each word has. You need to make yourself sound like an intriguing person, not like every other guy out there: Most dating app profiles display your first name. Don’t waste valuable real estate repeating it in your bio.
- 30 Icebreakers To Use On A Dating App Match When You're Out Of Inspo. “Describe yourself in one emoji. I'll go first: 💅”. Coming up with the first message you send a new dating app match.
- What you get on this page:. The 10 best dating profile examples for men. For Men, Ages: 20’s, 30’s, 40’s & 50’s+., eHarmony, okCupid, JDate & POF profile examples. A woman’s perspective on these profiles. Then I personally help fix your #1 Online Dating Attraction Killer free. Let’s get started!
What To Write A Good Online Dating Profile For A Man, Woman: Bio, About Me, Headlines, Prompts & Answers – Examples Of How To Write About Yourself. Dating Profile Tips.
As much as some folks hate taking photos, there are just as many people who hate to write or talk about themselves. Dating profiles are definitely photo-centric but you cannot let bios and about me sections go to waste. As a dating profile consultant, I have helped folks craft their online identity through photos and words. A good bio may not make up for bad photos but a good bio can be that make or break point in your profile.
How To Write A Dating Profile? How Do Your Write A Good Dating Bio: Examples, Tips
How To Describe Yourself On A Dating Site: 3 Common Setbacks. “I Hate Writing About Myself!”. Describing yourself online can feel tedious. The key is not getting hung up on answering the profile questions themselves; instead, focus on portraying who you really are.
So you downloaded the dating app of choice, uploaded a few dating profile photos and synced your Facebook, LinkedIn, Spotify and Instagram accounts to populate your location, hometown, age, height, favorite band, company name and title. That was easy, wasn’t it? Not so fast.
While it’s true that most people only review the main profile photo when doing a first pass on profiles and also true photos account for 90%+ of the decision-making process on whether to swipe left or right, bios, prompts and answers to prompts should not be ignored.
Online dating profile bios are an essential piece of the puzzle to have in your online dating toolkit. While bios and answers will not make up for bad, unflattering selfies and ambiguous group shots, they can provide some insight, confidence and context that photos do not always convey.
Short bios and joke answers can signal immaturity, insincerity or lacking emotional vulnerability. These are often categorized as lazy, low effort profiles. Read more about red flags on dating profiles.
What Should I Write In My Dating Profile? What To Write About Yourself On A Dating Site Examples.
About us section of dating apps provide a creative outlet to write about yourself, observations about topics of the hour, ambitions, guilty pleasures, wittiness and obsessions. They also help to reveal intentions by showing how much thought and effort you put into marketing yourself. Thin profiles and using synced data only will make it difficult for people to take you seriously. A mix of your personality, lifestyle and what you seek should be conveyed in a dating profile.
How Do I Describe Myself For Online Dating: About Me Dating App Profiles
Bios or About Me sections should fill in the holes that you can do so via prompts as seen in Bumble and Hinge. They should be succinct, insightful, anecdotal and complement your photos and photo captions. Use specifics, be random – don’t be afraid to geek out a little.
How you spend your time, what piques your interest and examples of your knowledge, experience, culture go a long way to separating yourself from the competition. Don’t write about one time events, things from your childhood – the focus should be about the person today and how you spend your time. Be sure to include what you seek as well – profiles should be 2/3 about you and 1/3 about what you are looking for.
Writing An Effective Dating Profile, How To Do I Make My Dating Profile Standout: Avoid Resume Like Dating Profiles
A bio should not read like a resume, it should complement your photos and not be a summary of your LinkedIn profile. Adding places lived, favorite TV show, and favorite dish are good starts, but you still need some dimension, life in your bios.
Similarly, a list of adjectives can be biased, possibly inaccurate and impossible to invalidate online. It’s not any better if you frame the list of qualities through a third person: “My friends say I am caring, thoughtful, loving” blah, blah, blah.
Friends can be biased, friends may not want to hurt your feelings and maybe your friends can’t be trusted – who knows? I call these characteristics empty adjectives. Many people have a hard time being honest about themselves (just look at your co-workers LinkedIn profile). Acting too coy or using joke prompts and answers lack vulnerability and can be seen as defensive behavior by others.
Dating Profile Headline Tips: What Is A Good Profile Headline For Online Dating
These are typically used on sites like, OkCupid and POF where they are separate from longer, detailed bios and about me sections. These profile headlines can be cute, fun and random – movie and tv quotes are good (if done well). Avoid obvious ones from shows like the Office. Headlines like poke fun of yourself are great as long as you don’t go overboard. “Life is great, on dating apps at 41 – just like I pictured it”
Do You Like Guacamole?
Dating App Profile Tips: Use Details, Anecdotes, References – Dating Profile Templates
Cliche answers, bios are not only boring but often lack any insight. Ask me anything, open to new adventures, liking Netflix or hiking is extremely vague. Dig into types of hikes with favorite types of trails i.e. short scenic, remote locals only/hidden gems, particular regions, half-day hikes, post-hike activities.
Describe Yourself On Dating App
A great bio should reveal anecdotal insights, passions, beliefs, curiosities, guilty pleasures, some embarrassing tidbits and priorities. Short examples that illustrate points are great.
Taking a stand vs. trying to be the most agreeable or interesting man in the world is preferred. No one wants an exact clone of themselves. Be original, be you. It’s easier to connect with someone through a distant, random or obscure reference than it is through something cliche and mainstream. Don’t be boring: brunch, the Office, Game of Thrones will not get you far (see how many boxes you check off in this online dating profile bingo card).
Nouns like hiker, traveler, foodie etc. offer no insight into frequency, prioritization or level of commitment. Are you a casual Land’s End hiker or are you a weekend warrior that does 3-4 hour hikes. Are you a beach resort traveler or do you like to immerse yourself in culture and languages with locals different from yourself?
Are you a superficial Instagram traveler or do you have some depth to your curiosity. Do you like safe chain restaurants, dives featured on No Reservations or posh Michelin rated restaurants. Be careful about vague descriptions in your profile. The more vague the less interesting you will sound.
Bios should not read like a novel, but they should have substance. A balance of flow, randomness, self-deprecating humor, insight is key for a good bio. Many folks strike out when it comes to bios. Don’t let that be you.
Most people never seek unbiased feedback on their bios and profiles and the ones that do often times get biased feedback or have context into your bio and photos that a stranger does not. Friends, family members and co-workers may not want to be brutally honest with you or they might have some advantage that allows them more flexibility to get away with breaking guidelines for photos and bios.
HInge Dating App Profile Tip: Don’t Skip Photo Captions! What Makes A Good Hinge, Match Profile
Apps like Hinge and Match allow users to more easily humble brag or add details about themselves through photos by allowing for captions. Don’t ignore this free space. Prompts are great but can be limiting when compared to free-form bios so when possibly, take advantage of the opportunities to add details, prompts and opportunities for conversation starters through your photo captions.
Self-deprecating humor is great as it shows the ability to laugh at yourself and shows some creativity and possible good banter possibility. Including location, event, feeling, nostalgia or even a jab at yourself shows more effort rather than trying to force people to guess what’s going on.
Take Advantage of Prompts on Apps Like Hinge and Bumble
If you have a great story, reference or humble brag, see if you can share it using one of the prompts on these apps. These prompts are your best friend to help you set up an opportunity to talk about yourself without seeming as self-absorbed or randomly weird if referenced in a small bio. Prompts are added regularly so check back. Check out these posts for good prompts to use on Hinge as well as Bumble.
Short Dating Profile Examples, Witty Dating Profile Examples
Finance exec who will never end up on @MidtownUniform. Global Entry / Espresso cocktail snob / Worst fear: ending up on boyfriends of Instagram.
Relocated from NYC to trade in summer Fridays to Long Island for weekend trips to Mendocino, Big Sur and Portland. Former analytics geek turned designer. Own 2 small pugs, 800+ credit score and looking for a tennis partner in town and someone to knock out the Eater 38 list – interested?
Catch hiking in Marin on weekends followed by oysters, cold beer and sun at Pelican Inn or Cafe Reyes. I get too excited about open bar seats at restaurants, all things Japan, last minute road trips up/down Hwy 1, dungeness crab season and Colin Jost / Michael Che joke exchanges.
Mottos I live by: Treat Yo Self (in moderation) / going halfsies at restaurants is a must / travel like a local, not like a tourst / better to ask a stranger to take a photo than use a selfie stick
How To Write A Dating Profile For A Woman: Witty Dating Profiles To Attract Men
There is nothing worst than reading another cliche dating profile that is contains multiple entries from Tinder bingo i.e. wine, brunch, dogs, yoga, beach, travel, family is everything, no hook-ups, swipe left if, work at tech etc.
There is nothing wrong with those interests, hobbies but listing out those exact words is basic, lazy and cliche. If you want to attract a guy, put some effort into it, be creative and a little vulnerable. Don’t write what you think is cute, write for the guy you are looking to attract. Being too cute will only attract shallow guys.
Unexpected pleasantries, active lifestlyles, non-mainstream/cliche hobbies and interestes as well as self-deprecating humor are golden. With that said, you don’t want to reveal all your great attributes at once, good to reveal pleasant surprises over time, in person.
Avid runner, Japanophile, allergic to tech logo vests, last trip before Covid = Oaxaca, first trip after covid = Naples. Currently perfecting espresso martinis at home and just discovered Parks & Rec, looking for a tennis partner.
Pros: Won’t make you take absurd photos ala boyfriends of Instagram, great person to have on your pub trivia team, can get ready in under 20 minutes for a last minute roadtrip
Cons: Take my time to get ready for a night out, gluten-free / Celiac : ( / , might Hasselhoff food from a street vendor after a late night out.
Avoid Negative Language And Sounding Jaded
Don’t use phrases like swipe left if, no-hookups, not looking for, don’t message me if etc. This sounds dismissive as well as signals to others that you are unable to filter out such people on your own and lack ability to screen profiles and read people. This could actually backfire and suggest you are an easy target or encourage someone to accept a challenge to bypass your filters.
Avoid celebrity quotes and descriptions from friends. Describe yourself in your own words. Stop trying to pretend you are on dating apps against your own will.
Online Dating Profile Help For Guys: Writing A Tinder Bio, What To Put In A Profile
The guidance and tips I provide is geared toward those seeking to date with the intent of long-term relationships. If you are not sure what you want or just seeing what’s out there, your bio and profile will look a lot different from what I have written about there. Take a look at my guide for Tinder bios and profiles here.
How To Write A Hinge Profile: Hinge Dating App Profile Tips, Hinge Prompts

Hinge is a dating app that is a bit different from others. There is no bio field (about me section) but there are ways to make your profile stand out beyond good photos and good answers to prompts. Hinge has location and caption fields for photos. Many people either don’t know they exist, are too lazy to add info or rely on boring/cliche photo prompts that Hinge provides. Adding context can make all the difference in a profile.
How To Write A Bumble Profile: Bumble Profile Review Tips, Bumble Promptse
When it comes to Bumble, many people make the mistake of not fully utilizing the Bumble bio (about me section). It’s a great way to complement what you have in your photos and answers to prompts that you are unable to capture in those fields. The section should avoid repeating anything that is stated or obvious in the drop down fields or in your photos or prompts. This section provides the ability for you to express your creativity, quirks, self-deprecating humor and personality. For tips on Bumble prompts, read this.
How To Improve Your Dating Profile: Dating Profile Tips
Now that you have the basics down for writing a bio, check out this guide to improve your bioand make sure you are not self-sabotaging your efforts.

For specific app related bio, profile questions for Hinge, Bumble and other apps, check out these blog posts.
Additional Reading: How To Write A Dating Profile & Other Dating Profile Tips
How To Answer Dating Profile Questions:
Hinge Prompts and Questions
How To Write A Bumble Bio (Bumble About Me Section)
About Eddie Hernandez
Eddie Hernandez is a professional photographer specializing in natural, candid online dating photos. Featured in the SFGate, ABC7News, East Bay Express, Salon; contributor to Good Men Project, Plenty Of Fish and Meddle. In addition to photos, he provides guidance around app choice, bio optimization, messaging techniques, wardrobe advice and date ideas.
Dating Profile Critique
For those of you who are remote or virtual dating help and are looking for anonline dating profile critiqueyou can read more about my services here.
For other helpful online dating tipscheck out my blog for more helpful advice:
Online Dating Frequently Asked Questions(Photos, App Choice, Wardrobe, Messaging, Bios and More):
How To Write A Dating Profile Bio, Dating Profile Tips, Dating App Profiles Examples For Men, Women. Girls Dating Profile Tips, Guys Dating Bio Examples, About Me, About Me Examples, How To Write About Me, Dating Profile Examples, Dating Headlines For Women, Dating Headlines For Guys, Tinder Bio Ideas, About Me Tinder, Good Dating Profile Examples For Guys, Dating Profile Template, Best Tinder Profiles, Best Tinder Bios, Bumble Profile Examples, Bumble About Me, Hinge Prompt, Dating Profile Headlines To Attract Guys, Best Online Dating Profile Examples, How To Write A Dating Profile, What Should I Write In My Dating Profile, Dating Profile Help, Dating Profile Generator, Best Bio For Dating Site, Good Dating Bios, What To Write In A Dating Profile, What To Write In A Dating Bio, How To Write A Dating Profile For A Man, Photographer For Dating Profile, Online Dating Consultant, Dating Profile Stylist, Dating Profile Ghostwriter, How To Describe Yourself On A Dating App, Descriptive Words For Dating Profiles, Describe Yourself In 3 Words, What To Write About Yourself On A Dating Profile, Women’s Dating Profile Examples, Men’s Dating Profile Examples, Best Profile Lines For Dating Profiles, Best Online Dating Profiles For Men, Best Online Dating Profiles For Women, Writing A Great Profile For Online Dating, What Should You Not Write On A Dating Profile, How Would You Describe Yourself On A Dating Site Example, What Is A Good Headline For A Dating Profile, Tips For Writing The Perfect Dating Profile, Dating Profile Tips For Men, Dating Profile Tips For Ladies, Dating App Profile Tips, Good Online Dating Examples, Good Online Dating Profiles To Copy, Great Online Dating Profile Examples, Short Dating Profile Examples. Online Dating Profile Examples To Attract Men, How To Describe Yourself On A Dating Site Examples, Best Female Dating Profile Examples, Clever Headlines, Attention Grabbing Headlines Dating Sites, Dating Profile Example For Men, Words To Put On A Dating Profile, Best Dating Profiles, Best Dating Profile Ever Written, How Many Words Should A Dating Profile Be, Examples Of Dating Profiles For Females, Sample Dating Profile, Dating Profile Hacks, What Should I Say About Myself On A Dating Site, Introvert Dating Profile Examples, How Should A Woman Write A Good Dating Profile, How To Write A Dating Profile For A Woman Over 50, How To Write An Effective Online Dating Profile, How To Stand Out In Online Dating, Dating Profiles Do’s And Don’ts, Dating Profile Hooks, Dating Profile Writing Service, Hinge Profile Examples, Tinder Profile Examples, What To Write On Dating Profile, Witty Dating Profile Examples, How To Write A Dating Profile Examples, How To Write Dating Bio, How To Write Dating Profile, How To Write Dating App Bio, Good Dating Profile Examples, Good Dating Profile Headlines, About Me Dating Examples, Dating App Headline, What Should A Guy Put In His Tinder Bio, What Should A Guy Put In His Bumble Profile, How Can A Man Make A Good Bumble Profile, What Are Good Bios For Tinder, What To Write About Yourself On A Dating Site Examples, What Should I Put On My Dating Profile Headline, How Do You Write A Good Online Dating Profile, How Do I Describe Myself For Online Dating, Examples Of Self Descriptions For A Dating Site, Writing A Tinder Bio, Writing A Dating Bio, Writing A Bumble Bio, About Me Example For Dating Site, How Do You Write A Good Match Profile, What Is A Good Profile For A Dating Site, Examples Of Dating Profiles For Males, What Should You Not Put In A Dating Profile, What To Put In A Dating App Profile, What To Put In Profile For Dating Site, About Me Dating Profile Tips, What Is A Good Dating Profile, How Do You Start A Dating Profile, How Should A Man Write A Good Dating Profile, Best Things To Put In A Dating Profile, How To Make A Good Dating Profile For Guys, How To Answer Dating Profile Questions, Writing An Online Dating Profile For Men, Writing An Online Dating Profile For Women, What Makes A Good Hinge Profile, What Makes A Good Bumble Profile
“Describe yourself in one emoji. I'll go first: 💅”
Coming up with the first message you send a new dating app match isn’t easy. That first message sets the tone for your conversation, and if the best opener you can come up with is, “Hey,” then chances are things are going to go downhill fast. Of course, when you've never met someone before and don't already know their tastes and opinions, making convo can be a little challenging, which is where dating app icebreakers come in handy. When you start your dating app convo off with a clever question or quip, then your match is far more likely to respond than if you hit them with, “Hey.”
As professional dating profile writer Eric Resnick previously told Elite Daily, swiping on dating apps is all about volume, so you want to use dating app opening lines that leave a lasting impression. Otherwise, you’ll quickly be forgotten in a sea of matches. “The best move is to ask them a question about something in their profile,” Resnick said. “First messages should be questions that can’t be answered in a yes or no.” That way, the convo will always have somewhere to go.
Even if you're feeling awkward about sending that first message, these dating app openers are perfect for breaking the ice and catching your match’s attention.
- Your dog is amazingly cute. What's their name? (You're also not bad looking yourself, BTW.)
- What's the strangest nickname you've ever been given and how did you earn it?
- What fictional friend group would you like to join?
- Important question: What do you think is the best way to prepare for a zombie apocalypse?
- Describe yourself in one emoji. I’ll go first: 💅
- If you had to pick only one music artist to listen to for the rest of your life, who would you pick?
- What kind of trouble are you going to get up to this weekend?
- Rank the three worst movies of all time. Go!
- How do you take your coffee?
- What would be your dream job if money didn't matter?
- So I see that you're a Yankees fan. Would the fact that I root for the Red Sox keep you from talking to me?
- Dogs or cats? And yes, there is a right answer.
- If you could switch lives with one person for a day, who would it be?
- If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
- It looks like you’re a Harry Potter fan. Which Hogwarts house would the Sorting Hat most likely put you in?
- What advice would you give your 18-year-old self?
- What actor would you pick to play you in a biopic?
- What's your grossest hidden talent? Don’t be shy.
- Where was that third pic in your profile taken? It looks beautiful there!
- What do you consider the worst smell in the world and why?
- What's one thing that never fails to make you cringe?
- What was your first-ever email address or screen name? If you tell me yours, I promise to tell you mine.
- If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would you pick and what would you ask them?
- What part of a kids' movie scarred you for life?
- Where was the first place you drove after getting your driver's license?
- What have you ever chickened out of doing that you'd like to do now?
- How long do you think you would last in the Hunger Games?
- Which Marvel superhero would you be if you could choose?
- What is the coolest place you've ever visited?
- What’s the worst opening line you’ve ever gotten on a dating app? (And I really hope it isn’t this one.)
Whether you make a simple joke or offer a thoughtful question, your match will be grateful you made that first move.
Eric Resnick, professional dating profile writer
How To Describe Yourself On Dating Apps
Editor's Note: This story has been updated by Elite Daily Staff.