Eharmony Premium Plus
So is Eharmony worth it? In short, yes it is, and here is why. With so many dating apps, it is really hard to find the ones that are good and match what you’re looking for in a match. Which of the free ones are actually any good and are the paid ones worth it.
Plan: Duration: Price Per Month: Total Price: eHarmony Standard Lite: 6 months: $69.95: $275.70: eHarmony Premium Plus: 12 months: $22.97: $419.70: eHarmony Premium Extra. Premium Light Membership: 6-Month Plan. The cost of this eHarmony plan works out to $65.90 per month. The plan is available through a one-time payment or can be broken down into two, three, or four equally-sized payments. Known as the Premium Light Membership. Payment options: Option 1: Four payments of $98.85. All benefits of Premium Plus eHarmony Complaints eHarmony receives mixed reviews online. EHarmony is accredited by the Better Business Bureau and receives an A- because the company consistently responds to consumer complaints.
When it comes to dating apps, there are two ways to go about it. You can use an app like Tinder, Bumble, or Hinge, which are free and spend a lot of time sifting through low-quality matches and bots. This can lead to a lot of catfishing, flakes, and overall frustration.
The other way to go about it is to use a more exclusive app like Eharmony, where you do have to pay a fee. This has the advantage of weeding out people who aren’t severe. In essence, it creates an environment of high-quality matches with the intent of actually meeting and dating. So this brings up the question. Eharmony worth it?
Is Eharmony Worth The Price
Eharmony definitely has a reputation for being expensive or as some might call it a premium service but is Eharmony worth it? We think it is fair to call it that.
While you are paying quite a lot of money for a dating app you are also getting a lot in terms of the quality of matches and the general feel of the app.
So let us talk about the pricing structure and what you get in terms of the perks and overall experience of using it.
An important side note here is that Eharmony often times has sales for as much as 50-60% off that are only shown to you once you create a free trial account.
Premium Light Membership: 6-Month Plan
The cost of this eHarmony plan works out to $65.90 per month. The plan is available through a one-time payment or can be broken down into two, three, or four equally-sized payments
Eharmony Premium Membership Cost
Payment options:
Option 1: Four payments of $98.85
Option 2: Three payments of $131.80
Option 3: Two payments of $197.70
Option 4: $395.40 total upfront
Premium Plus Membership: 12-Month Plan
This eHarmony membership plan will run you $45.90 monthly. The one-year plan is known as the Premium Plus option. Also available through one upfront payment, or two, three, or four equally-sized payments
Eharmony Premium Plus Credit Card
Payment options:
Option 1: Four payments of $120.49
Option 2: Three payments of $160.65
Option 3: Two payments of $240.98
Option 4: $481.95 total upfront
Premium Extra Membership: 24-Month Plan

The eHarmony cost of this premium plan comes out to $35.90 per month. Payment is available via PayPal or five different credit card or debit card options.
Payment Options:
Option 1: Four payments of $201.93
Option 2: Three payments of $269.25
Option 3: Two payments of $403.88
Option 4: $807.75 total upfront
Now it should be noted that there is no difference between these options when it comes to the actual experience of using the app. The only difference is the length there no difference in functionality or features that are available.
Eharmony Personality Test and Profile breakdown
After signing up and taking the personality test you will be given a breakdown of your personality and that will become part of your profile.
Eharmony will then use the results of your personality test to help you find compatible matches within the distance and age range that you prefer. It is a great feature that we have found to be extremely useful in practice.
Why Is Eharmony Worth It
So to begin, let’s talk about the app and its browser-based counterpart. Eharmony has a fantastic user interface for both IOS and Android. The layout, colors, and navigation are all very well thought out and smooth.
Despite being launched in 2000, the design is incredibly modern, fast, and fluid.
It also has a great browser-based interface that works great on all of the most common browsers, such as Chrome and Safari.
Another important thing to highlight is the fact that there are 10 million active users. This means that no matter who you are or where you live, there will be plenty of compatible matches.
On top of this, Eharmony uses a match making algorithm that is based on their 29 dimensions of compatibility, which powers the algorithms behind their Compatibility Matching System®. The 29 dimensions of compatibility is essentially a personality test hinges on four main categories.
The first is emotional temperament, which has questions about emotional status, emotional energy, and romantic passion.
The second is social style. This has questions about character, kindness, and sociability.
The third is cognitive mode. This one quizzes you on things like intellect, curiosity, humor, and artistic passion.
The fourth is physicality. This has to do with things such as physical energy, appearance, and Industry, which is how much or how little you enjoy being active.
All of these questions are designed to help Eharmony profile you and match you with compatible matches that will fit your personality.
When it comes to whether or not Eharmony is worth it, the answer is yes for most people. If your goal is to meet people, you will connect with it, then Eharmony is the best option.
Why Eharmony might not be worth it(Eharmony Cons)
Now, although Eharmony is worth it for most people, there may be some things that would make it not worth it for others. When you really break it down, Eharmony is a premium dating service, and it comes at a price that as well is no exception.
It isn’t cheap, which is one of the drawbacks, but there is a free version to it test out and see if it is worth it for you. However, one thing to consider is that because you do have to pay, it keeps those who aren’t serious off of the app.
When it comes to pricing, Eharmony is definitely on the pricey side. In reality, this is the only issue with Eharmony. However, it should be noted that you do get what you pay for when It comes to everything else about Eharmony. This can be seen in the user interface, Customer support, and quality of matches.
For example, the matching making algorithm, user interface, and matches are all top-notch. Unfortunately, this is the way it goes and comes with the territory of premium dating services.
In the end, the decision is up to you when it comes to the question, Is Eharmony worth it?
IsEharmony Worth It:Conclusion
At the end of the day, Eharmony is a premium service that specializes in high quality, compatible matches. The main issue with Eharmony is that it isn’t cheap. But this keeps out all the people who aren’t serious.
This is one of the big problems with online dating, especially free apps like Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge. They tend to attract less serious people because they don’t cost anything to use. A lot of the time, people will use Tinder to boost their self-esteem and have no intention of actually meeting up with matches.
Premium Plus Eharmony
You also have the issue of bots who populate the app intending to get guys to sign up for things like Onlyfans and private Snapchats.
This is part of why I believe that Tinder, for the most part, is on the decline. Firstly the novelty of the swipe functionality has worn off. Secondly, for the reasons mentioned above, the quality of matches and seriousness of the people on Tinder has taken a nosedive.
This is why if you are serious about online dating and getting the most out of the experience, you should consider apps like Eharmony or Hinge.
How Much Does Eharmony Premium Cost
So the answer to is Eharmony worth it is yes. If you are serious about online dating, then there is no better app. Yes, it is not cheap, but it does provide a far better product and experience than Tinder, Bumble, and even Hinge. Even Match has trouble competing. We hope this helped answer your question on is Eharmony worth it?